Hi guys lama gak ngepost nih, soalnya males banget buka blog. Oke langsung saja kali ini ore bakal ngeshare lirik lagunya MAGIC! - Rude pasti kalian udah pada tau. Lagu ini banyak dikenal masyarakat, mulai dari pemulung, pengemis, tokoh kartun, bahkan band mereka tau lagu ini (Ya iyalah bodo) ah udah langsung aja cekidot ====>
Saturday morning jumped out of bed
And put on my best suit
Got in my car and raced like a jet
All the way to you
Knocked on your door with heart in my hand
To ask you a question
'Cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man, yeah
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway
Marry that girl
Marry her anyway
Marry that girl
Yeah, no matter what you say
Marry that girl
And we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so
I hate to do this, you leave no choice
Can't live without her
Love me or hate me we will be boys
Standing at that altar
Or we will run away
To another galaxy, you know
You know she's in love with me
She will go anywhere I go
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still 'No"
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway
Marry that girl
Marry her anyway
Marry that girl
No matter what you say
Marry that girl
And we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say, I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but 'No' still means 'No'!
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway
Marry that girl
Marry her anyway
Marry that girl
No matter what you say
Marry that girl
And we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so
Why you gotta be so
Why you gotta be so rude?
Oke makasih ya udah baca pos ini, lain kali dateng lagi. Mungkin lain kali ore ngeshare lirik lagu nya musik instrumen :v oke daaa
Hadir kembali berkunjung dihari yang indah dan cuaca yang cerah ini, terimakasih teman karena selalu berbagi info menarik yang ter up to date, keep blogging!!
BalasHapusinfonya sangat bermanfaat sekali mbak/mas, makasih yach!! beritanya bagus banget dan sangat menarik untuk di baca hari ini. Ijin share juga ya, terimakasih.
BalasHapussudah beberapa hari saya mencari berita seperti ini, dan akhirnya.. akhirnya ketemu!! terimakasih nih ya? postingannya sangat berharga bagi saya, thanks gan!
BalasHapusSemua berita yang ada di website anda sangat menarik perhatian untuk di simak, salam sehat. . . !! Semoga beritanya dapat bermanfaat! share ya gan, thanks nih!!
BalasHapusnice post, gan... Keep posting!!